DUDE! Oklahoma State beat Savannah State 84-0 last night! They must be, like, the BEST TEAM EVER! They've proven they're a force to be reckoned with in the National Title race! What a potent offense!
Cowboys, you scheduled the KING of all cupcake games. Granted, many FBS schools schedule FCS opponents to tune up for the season, which is a bush league practice in it's own right. However, Savannah State, as a result of many aggravating factors, has always been a lousy football team. So, you went WAAAYYY down the divisions and conferences to pick Savannah State as your season opener to accomplish... what? A good tune-up for your squad? Or to pad stats?
Honestly, what did you learn about your squad by playing a team like Savannah State? Did anyone get and real work in? Sure, your numbers look great which will help in the rankings calculation, but the strength of opponent factor for this game should be a BAGEL. ZERO.
In closing, I just want to say that you guys suck. Also, if you need a midweek scrimmage, you can contact the Make a Wish Foundation or Saint Jude's Children's Hospital. I'll bet you could get those kids to suit up.