Unless you're George Costanza, you hate carrying around a fat wallet.
I know I sure do, so yesterday I came up with an idea.
If you've got Google Drive, Evernote, or even iBooks on your mobile
device, then you've got the ability to keep PDF copies of documents
right on your smartphone as well as saved in the cloud.
So, go ahead and scan everything in your wallet into PDF files.
Insurance cards, drivers license, etc.; just scan it all. That way,
you've got copies. Do this with your passport as well if you plan to
travel internationally.
Got it? Boom. Now you can lighten that billfold a bit. You still
have to carry your government issued drivers license (or passport if
you're out of the country), but the rest of those paper cards can
clear out.
Bonus, if someone needs a copy of an insurance card or other document,
email it to them. All of those products listed above have email
While you're at it, stick a copy of your résumé in the cloud. It just
might come in handy.
Lean your life.
You're welcome.