Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Not You Too, Georgia Southern

Check Your Facts, Folks.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Andino-plasty: My Ticked Off Baseball Moment of the Week

Monday, April 9, 2012
Peanuts, Made-up Allergies, and the Sanctity of the Ballpark
The hysterics of modern day society never cease to amaze me. Today’s sheep are so easily terrified that every new threat is met with the most sever of responses. The world is a scary place. Danger lurks around every corner in countless forms, such as gluten, secondhand smoke, high fructose corn syrup and more. Both of
Yankee Stadium and Shea Stadiums have begun offering peanut-free seating for the militant allergist out to ruin everyone’s fun. The Mets have gone so far as to place the allergy-afflicted in an enclosed box with power-washed seats. I’m sure this is making all those smug wimps preen with accomplishment.
“Keep those peanuts away from me, I’m special. Oh, you didn’t know you were in a peanut-free zone? Sor-reeeee. Go eat those somewhere else for me, okay? Thaaaaaanks.”
I have two problems here. 1) Where did all of these allergies come from? In my near 30 years of life, I have met two people with any kind of food allergy. Now, food allergies are everywhere. According to CNN, a 2011 study found that eight percent of people under the age of 18 have at least one food allergy. What does this say? Hysterical parents are making up issues for their kids to have something to talk about. 2) Why do all of these crybabies get to have their way and remove peanuts from their piece of the ballpark, regardless of the other people who may want peanuts? The two friends I mentioned earlier with food allergies; both are allergic to peanuts. However, neither of them become hysterical freaks when someone opens a bag of peanuts at a ballpark. They deal with their allergy in the most sensible way possible: they don’t eat peanuts. They use some common sense and they don’t touch or eat the peanuts.
However, the feeble-minded complainers of today can’t handle this kind of high thinking. They can’t do that math of simply not touching or eating peanuts when they are around. They have to organize and get things banned. It’s criminal. The fact that this kind of nonsense is taking place at
Let’s reclaim our beloved ballparks; for America and for sanity.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Braves Season Re-cap
I have been working a lot lately, and I'm feeling incredibly lazy. So here are some bullet points:
1. The Braves are really bad.
1A) Their entire season is built on promise. "If Heyward can live up to his potential....If Prado can rebound this season....If Uggla can carry a batting average above .160 into the All-Star Break...If Minor, Teheran, and Delgado can finally mature into top of the rotation pitchers..." Relying on potential for success, especially in a greatly improved NL East, is a dangerous way to operate.
1B) They look exactly like the team that had an epic 10.5 game collapse last year. This is due in no small part to the fact that they ARE the same team. With their pitching, they don't necessarily need to rely on 3-run homers like an AL team, but they have to be able to play NL small ball. In the first two games, they have left a staggering 23 men on base. They have only plated 2 runners. If you lack a consistent power-hitter in the middle of the lineup, you have to execute the fundamentals to get 'em on, get 'em over, and get 'em in. They had the opportunity to trade Jurrjens and Prado for the likes of Adam Jones, who would have provided a legitimate bat in the middle of the lineup for years to come. But, Wren wouldn't pull the trigger. What's the definition of "insanity" again??
2. The Orioles are fun to watch. Timely hitting, good defense, and great lineup management on Buck Showalter's part. Both of their catchers are in the starting lineup tonight (Wieters C, Paulino DH). This is considered an oddity in baseball and a big no-no. Why did Buck go ahead and do it anyway? Because he put the best lineup on the field, conventional wisdom be damned. And Paulino is 2-2 as we speak, with the O's up 6-0 on the Twins. They'll lose 85-90 games, but I'd rather watch an entertaining 85 losses than a boring, mindless 85 wins.
3. I am going to stick with my prediction that the Braves only get 76 wins this year. I think they will just get wrecked in division play.
Hope springs eternal.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Real Things I Don't Know