This documentary looks great. I'm particularly excited by it because of the reaction it has gotten from the left. I read one review from Village Voice that made me REALLY excited. Here's an excerpt from Alan Scherstuhl's whiny piece, The 5 Lowlights of durka durka durka:
"The movie of choice this week for people who hold the beliefs that A) America is the strongest, best-est country that God ever virgin-birthed and B) that that nation somehow just isn't strong enough to survive eight years of centrist Democratic leadership, Dinesh D'Souza's 2016: Obama's America actually does not touch on 2016 much at all."
Haha! "Centrist Democratic leadership."
I love how, instead of challenging any legitimate points in the film, idiots like this go to the default mode of calling you a stupid redneck unless you drink their Kool-Aid (which, by the way, tastes a lot like watered down facism.) This movie must really have Them scared! The last thing They want is for anyone to expose The Messiah for what he is: a (thankfully) ineffective socialist with the shortest resume of any president in history.
Interesting how this is referred to as a "cartoon" and trashed as intellectually challenged, but Michael Moore's steaming piles are praised as "important."
Movies like this help Hollywood, and the media's, true colors show through: brown and green. For poop and boogers.
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