Friday, March 23, 2012

The Blow-Your-Mind Friday Question

Every once in a while, I'll have an extremely vivid dream where I
accidentally kill someone. These are among the most terrifying dreams
one can have because not only have you just killed someone, but you're
also facing a possible long prison sentence.

Last night I had a dream that I was being harassed by a group of guys.
I was trying to leave, but a bunch of them jumped in the back of my
truck. After repeated warnings, I climbed up into the bed and
confronted them.

"Get out or I'll throw you out," I said.

They remained. I grabbed the one closest to me and slung him towards
the back of the truck. His feet caught the tailgate, which upended
him and caused him to land on his head with a sickening thud.

The other four or five guys rushed to his side. Horrified at what I'd
done, and fearing retribution from the crowd, I fled. Shortly after,
I found out he had died.

I spent the rest of the dream terrified that I was going to prison for a long time. When I finally woke up, I was relieved that it was all a dream.

I thought about it for the rest of the morning when a thought occurred
to me, and it gave birth to The Blow-Your-Mind Friday Question.

Question: Do you think that somewhere, someone had a dream that he harassed some guy until he was thrown from the back of a pickup truck, causing him to wake the moment before his head hit the pavement?

Mind: blown. Happy Friday.


  1. This is really eerie, because I have recurring nightmares about accidentally killing people and then for several horrible hours I'm trying to find ways to hide the body and not get caught.

    The answer to your question: it's possible, and if it's true, I feel really bad for them. It sounds like the two of us are clumsy dream monsters who can't control themselves.

  2. I have recurring nightmares in which I am still in high school and I can't remember which uniform to put on in the morning because I can't remember what day it is. I end up being 10-15 minutes late for school.
