Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Different Kind Of Dream Date

Photo: Fox News
Within the last year or so, we've seen a couple of high profile celebrity date requests.  Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis were nice enough to attend military functions with their dates who boldly asked them over the internet.  More recently, hundreds of similar requests went out from Oakdale, MN to prom date prospects in the adult film industry.  Funny thing though, those hundreds of tweets came from one guy: 18 year old Mike Stone (right).  

Stone actually managed to get two of them to say yes: Megan Piper (pictured left) and Emy Reyes.  Piper agreed on the grounds that Stone pay for her plane ticket.  Right now, though, it's looking like Stone's dream date won't come to fruition.  The school district has banned Piper from the dance on the grounds that it wouldn't be in the "best interest" of the school or the district.

This is yet another of the million examples we see every day of the overreaching, nanny state in which we live.  District Superintendent, Patty Phillips, made the call to ban Piper from the dance.  We see this time and time again where people get just a little bit of juice, a little bit of power, and they just can't wait to wield it with their nose-in-the-air righteousness.  Just let the adult film star go to prom.  What is it really going to hurt?

As for the two girls who said yes, namely for Piper: this is a shrewd business move.  When you're in any industry where all of your competitors are exactly the same, you can only gain an advantage by raising your profile.  The amount of free publicity she is getting from this story is amazing.  Lucky for her, I'm sure she has nine films coming out this week.  She just needs to fork over the $400 and go to prom with this kid, but not be a big whore about it.  If she can keep it somewhat classy in photos, then it's a win-win: she'll sell more films and she will have been the sweetheart who went with the awkward kid to prom.

As for Stone (and I've saved you for last), hundreds?  How do you know hundreds of adult film stars?  Furthermore, do you follow all of them on Twitter?

In all seriousness, if this is a ploy to expose senior proms everywhere as just some farcical dance that is blown out of proportion by students across the country every year, or if this is something you did just to say you did it, then I applaud you.  I'm all for shaking things up.  However, if you decided to ask an adult film star to your prom because that is really your ideal prom date, and likely your ideal woman, then I pity you.  When you view women only as a sexual commodity, you miss out on everything else. (I expect our female readership to go through the roof for that one.)

Anyway, best of luck Mr. Stone.  Beef O'Bloggy's is rooting for you.

Full story can be read here.

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